Welcome to the Homepage of WEBmadman

This is the homepage of WEBmadman. I make stuff. Have a look around, get inspired. If something stimulates you to think, or better yet, to create, then we’ve accomplished something… 🙂

I’m also on Mastodon

My audio sketches are up on Soundcloud.

Check out my profile over on YouTube for a peek at some of what I’ve done.

I’ve been writing a short story series The Dream .

June 2018- my blog and image gallery are quite active right now- I’ve been doing a lot of photography and other stuff.

November 2016- The new album is now ready- https://release.webmadman.net/MoveAlong2016/.

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Check out my profile over on YouTube for a peek at some of what I’ve done.

And have a look in my “junk drawer” folder where you can get a peek at what I’m working on, as well as a whack of other stuff to download.

I’ve had a website online since the mid-90’s in the form of the Electric Say What, some interesting reading- now with audio! 😀

I was a student of the Tarot for many years, during that time I generated some articles and graphics- Tarot Stuff

I have dipped into audio from a few directions- sound experiments being one. Spoken word ([1],[2],[3]) being another.

Most significant these days, though, is musical- jump over to my Audio Releases page to find all my albums available for download.

I was involved with the noise band Full Metal Booty. There is a pretty large archive of our jams here.

Going a little further back in time, I worked with the Hijack group, performances include Tech No Bond Age and zero.

An entry point to the world of WEBmadman